

$100k Offer System-Branding that works

$100k Offer System-Branding that works

We know you have got the biggest questions whether it is possible to craft a $100K offer system, If you set your brand right, this is possible, Because it the market less moved into. Like where do you get people to drop this kind of money on a product or service.

Here is the perspective, $100,000, is just 8,500/Month. People spend $100K on luxury cars, watches, holidays and more, why because they don’t know where to spend it to.

If you want to know how to do that, you’re in the right place. We are going to share 3 core components that might change how you craft your unique offering and this is exactly what I do with my premium clients all over the world. So if you want to be the number one brand in your industry, if you want to be someone who is speaking, has authority, you’re on stage, you’re the one that people come to in the media for comment on your particular area of expertise, if you want to be selling 100k plus products, offers to your clients. If you want to be giving a deep level of impact and if you want to have a name in your industry as the number one, then there are three things that you’re going to need to do in order to achieve that.


if you want to be that, the go-to authority figure in your space, then you need a level of authority that is extraordinary in comparison to those people who are playing the hamster wheel game. What I’m talking about here is authority that comes with deep level transformations.

You need a couple of absolute, absolutely deeply transformative and impactful case studies from people who already have a name. Now, in an ideal world, We’ve got clients that work with celebrities. That’s brilliant. However, not necessarily talking about big names like working with celebrities.


if you want to be the go-to person that the media reaches out to about your experience, about your area of expertise, if you want to be selling really high ticket premium packages of 100k plus, then you’re in the right place. And we help entrepreneurs from all around the world to elevate themselves to the number one position in their market through their branding, through their positioning, through high ticket offers and through their publicity. Now, how we do this is we really focus on three very distinct areas. And I’ve already spoken to you about your authority. So the second thing that we want to nail when we’re talking about becoming the number one brand in your space is we need to think about relatability.

someone who really understands and really enjoys the process of messaging and positioning my clients to be elevated in their marketplace.

So relatability is one of those things that is going to be extraordinarily important to you if you want to elevate. And I know that sounds counterintuitive, we need you to be yourself. But ultimately, if you want to be selling, say, those $100,000 plus packages, you need to be someone that people look up to and can actually see themselves as someone that they can relate to.

 In fact, you need to be to be the authority in your space. But the trick here is to balance that with being someone that people can feel that they’re going to actually relate to and enjoy working with. So I’ve got a number of clients that work with celebrities and the number one thing that they will always say is that celebrities choose to work with them because they are private and whenever they’ve got a celebrity around them. Instead, they’re very respectful of that celebrity’s privacy.

Those people who purchase $100,000 plus deals from you or transformational packages from you, they’re going to want to know that they can actually deal with you, know that you’re going to be respectful, confidential, you’re going to relate to them on their level, you’re going to have walked their pathway so it doesn’t mean that you need to be attracting people who are in exactly the same pathway as you by any means, but you do need to be on, they need to be able to see you as someone that they can relate to. You need to be personable, warm, and giving, and this is where authenticity comes in.

 So it’s really very important that you are easy to get along with, you’re available, that you’re going to give them a deep level of service and that you’re going to feel, they can feel that they’re going to have a fantastic conversation with you. 


The third thing that you need to tackle if you want to be the number one brand in your space, if you want to be selling premium packages, and I mean 100k plus.

hat visibility is in the premium end of the space is an entirely different thing to the level of visibility and the kind of work that you’re seeing most of those gurus out there talking to you about. They’re talking about posting on Instagram every day and all of the volume-based things that you need to do. This isn’t in that same space. 

We’re talking about a different level of visibility in order for you to grow a business and be the number one brand in your space, and for you to be routinely selling 100K plus packages.

I want you to think about your ideal client and then think about your branding to them. How do you speak to them?

How do you message it? How do you position yourself in the market so that you have authority and relatability, but you also present yourself so that when they land on your website, your social media, your sales funnels, your YouTube channel, your podcast, whatever you’re doing out there, when they go to see you talk on stage, when they read your book, that there is congruence, that everything is consistent, that the branding, the messaging, and the positioning is consistent across the line. This isn’t just to do with your colors, although that’s incredibly important. It’s also to do with who you are, what you stand for, your position in the market, what your big why is.

So branding has to be high-end and it also, all of those products, All of those areas, your website, your social media, and your sales funnels, your email automation, all need to be congruent and they all need to be high level, highly intelligent, highly articulate, really well written, really well executed to talk to your ideal market.

 Now your ideal market may not be intellectual, it may not be academic, that doesn’t matter. no spelling mistakes, you know, making sure that you’ve got a high level of deeply researched content that talks directly to your ideal target market. And it talks about its seeds authority and its seeds relatability.

Because what we’re going to do at that high end of the market is we’re not necessarily going to be doing, for example, running PPC or AdWords or Facebook ads or anything like that. What we’re going to do is intentional outreach.

So you need to be thinking about who is my ideal target market? Where are they hanging out? We’re going to try and create a relationship with them intentionally by reaching out to them and creating a connection with them. And there’s ways to do that that doesn’t feel icky and inauthentic. We do it ourselves. We have our clients do it and it works its socks off because you come at it with, again, authority, relatability, and you’ve got fantastic foundations.

So when they go to have a look at who you are and what your backstory is and what your case studies are, they’re all sitting there, and they go, this person’s the real deal. 

I’m going to pick up the phone. We’re going to get on this call, and we’re going to talk it through, and then you sell your package. Now, the other thing that you want to make sure that you’re doing is that you’ve got lots and lots of publicity.

You’re taking the opportunity to really invest in building your brand in the media so that you become a media spokesperson with influencers and anyone who’s got the eyeballs of your ideal target market. You’ve also got those trust badges like we talked about before that you can put onto your website, social media, and all through anything that you’re doing. And also you want to take up as many speaking engagements to your ideal target market as you possibly can.

Remember, this is intentional marketing. to a premium level client, these are not people who are sitting there waiting for your Facebook ad. These are people who are busy, affluent, who have a lot of less and less time and energy to be kind of wound through a traditional marketing sales funnel. So what we want to do is focus on visibility that is very intention.

You’re going to be that number one brand in your space and you’re going to be selling those 100k plus premium packages. So if you want to know a little bit more about how we do that with my team, how we work with our premium clients to take them to the number one brand in their space, then We would invite you to apply to have a conversation with me. We would love to speak with you about bringing your brand into the next level and really taking you to those massive heights. If you’re on fire, if you’re feeling like you’ve got a deep level of impact to give the world, if you want to grow your authority and you want to be working with people at a premium level, then I invite you to jump on that call, apply to have that conversation with me, and I look forward to hearing all about what it is that you come up with.

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